Why "J Cash" Lives

I know that I could get a better SEO ranking if I used "Johnny Cash" instead of J Cash in the title above (and even in promotion), but I have my reasons and I'll just live with it. I have a special reason for using the name "J Cash" which I'll share later. 

Just had some business cards made. Here is both front and back.
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And now, for a piece of trivia that you may not know about Johnny and why I use the name, J Cash. 

Johnny was never Cash's real name and that's why when I perform, I am: J Cash and J Cash Lives! The following is per https://www.biography.com/news/johnny-cash-10-interesting-facts 

Upon first meeting Johnny Cash for the first time, Sam Phillips, the producer of his first records, thought that Johnny had made up his last name. It sounded like “Johnny Dollar” or “Johnny Guitar.” In fact, the family name of Cash can be traced back almost a thousand years to Scotland, to the ancient kingdom of Fife. It was the “Johnny” that was an invention.
The story goes that Johnny’s parents were indecisive about what their fourth child’s name should be. His mother’s maiden name was Rivers, and she stumped for that; his father’s name was Ray, and he held out for that. “J.R.” was a shortcut to avoid conflict. It was not uncommon for Southern kids to have names made of initials in the days of the Depression, and Johnny Cash was called J.R. all through his childhood (except to his father, who nicknamed him “Shoo-Doo”). He was still J.R. even after he graduated high school; “J.R.” is the name on his diploma.
It wasn’t until Johnny joined the Air Force in 1950 that he had to assign himself a name. The recruiter would not accept a candidate with a name comprised of initials, so J.R. become “John R. Cash.”

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