Johnny Cash Tribute artist offers JC guitar options and chance to win F r e e Zager Guitar

 Here are three options if you want to get a Johnny Cash guitar. As a tribute artist with J Cash Lives, I would like to have something which is as close as possible to what Johnny played. Right now I'm playing a Martin D 16 with internal electronics (which I can't find much info on so if you know about it, let me know in the comments please). I "get by" in my concerts because one, it's a Martin and sounds awesome and two, Johnny played some blonde topped guitars as shown in the picture below. 

Above, Johnny plays on his TV show. This looks a lot like the guitar 
that I use when doing my J Cash Lives performances. 

Zager is repeating their Guitar contest! 

Please return here. This contest repeats and I will continually update the link to be the most recent. If you click and it has expired, please contact me using the contact form on this page. (You could also leave a comment below but I won't see it as soon as I'll see your contact form note). 


If Johnny Cash was alive today, would he play this guitar? Maybe, especially when he was older and had issues with strength in his left hand as most everyone struggles with. The above video is a Nashville musician comparing the guitar with Martins and others. 

Johnny Cash's guitar was a Martin... 

I do not make any money sending you to the Martin D-35 
(maybe I will someday). If interested to find a dealer, click on the image. 

I wanted to buy one of these when they were going for about $4000 a few years ago and now I see they are a little over $6,000! 

As an alternative, Martin now offers a lesser expensive guitar as a tribute to the Man in Black: 

And like all things I guess, this guitar has gone up in price since it first came out. 
Again, I don't make any money directing you to the link (click on the image above) 
to learn more about the DX version. I found a pretty decent video presenting this guitar: 

Alright, so I would love any of these "Johnny Cash" versions but I have one more option for you to look at and it is by Zager. Are you ready? Here it is (and remember, I'm not getting a cent to direct you to this or any of these guitars). 

Click on the image above to visit Zager page, and no, I'm not getting money to send you there. 

I'm very excited about the Zager "Johnny Cash" version. I think this is my next guitar. I especially like the fact that it has internal electronics. I currently have a Martin D-16 with electronics that I use for my tribute shows, J Cash Lives and I love the sound. 

That's my "take" on the Johnny Cash types of guitars out there that I know of. They'd all be awesome to have. But you choose. And also, don't forget to register to win Zager's guitar contest here and remember I'll update the link as they keep coming out with new contests. Keep trying, someone will win! 

And by the way, have you visited my store and purchased the latest J Cash additions? They make great for others; or yourself! Click on the image to visit the store: